VdS updates Guidelines for Water Mist Nozzles
July 2023 by VdS
Water mist systems often achieve an equivalent firefighting effect as classical sprinklers (confirmed by VdS in official fire tests) – using up to 85 % less water. Enabled by a combination of various extinguishing effects: In addition to classic sprinkler abilities, mist technology increasingly causes displacement and smothering effects.
“The European Standard for testing methods, written in close coop-eration with VdS, was published in March”, emphasises Frank Bzdega, head of the VdS laboratories for water extinguishing sys-tems. “As we always fully cover the EN for our customers, we directly adjusted our Guidelines – already included were practice-orientated test items consistent with the real-life experiences of our partners. Moreover, our Guidelines for proof of concept, VdS 3883, have also formed the basis for many parts of the European Committee for Standardizations´ EN 14972.”
As usual, the updated assistance is provided by VdS free of charge. The Guidelines VdS 3100-46 “Sprinklers and nozzles for the use in water mist systems – Requirements and test methods” for Approval by Europe’s most important institute for safety are available for free download at vds-shop.de.