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VdS Security Expertise is launch

August 2023 by Marc Jacob

With Security Expertise, VdS has created a unique offer for planners, operators, insurers or other risk bearers of facilities with high security or availability requirements. In doing so, the highly qualified VdS team of experts supports its clients in fulfilling legal requirements, complying with insurance conditions and at the same time establishing an optimum level of security.

In this service, VdS combines its outstanding expertise in security systems together with a comprehensive and detailed knowledge of the applicable regulations. Clients can thus benefit from the cross-sector experience of the qualified experts in the VdS-Security Exper-tise field of competence. Relevant objects of protection include criti-cal infrastructures, data centres, museums with valuable cultural as-sets and logistics centres.
Successful management of burglary and theft risks

Comprehensive range of services for the best protection level
The VdS Security Expertise portfolio covers the various phases of the security process in twelve modules. Clients are therefore provid-ed with the ideal choice for suitable support that is precisely tailored to individual customer requirements. If required, the support can be comprehensive or, if desired, can be focused on a specific risk sce-nario.

All in all, the range of services extends from assistance in defining appropriate protection targets or in planning suitable security solu-tions and measures, through to support during the construction phase or the transition to a continuous security management sys-tem. In addition, VdS experts also assess specific requirements with regard to technological developments. This enables clients to plan their investments efficiently in the long term and avoid unnecessary costs.

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