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September 2007 by mguesdon

Computer Security Global Security Mag Online anti virus spywares job oofers telecom and network security

IT security solution(s), IT security , anti virus, IT security protection, virus, job offer/employment , network security news, network security , IT security magazine, virus alert, special report on IT security/IT security feature, IT security project, biometry, telecom network security, spyware security/spyware protection, trojan information, trojan, IT intrusion, spam, email security, anti-spam software, firewall security/firewall protection, firewall, telecom security, hackers/cyber criminals, trojan horse, storage, SAN, FNA, IT backup, hacker, cryptography, ISO 27001, ISO 17779, single sign-one, authentification, vulenrability, VoIP, ToIP, videosurveillance, SAAS, virtualization, SAAS, dematerialization, data centre, PDU, PUE.


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