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Shaul Efraim, VP Marketing and BD Tufin: security teams must have automated solutions in order to assure network access

October 2011 by Marc Jacob

Global Security Mag : What are you going to present at les Assises ?

Shaul Efraim: Tufin will be presenting its Security Lifecycle Management solutions that enable companies to cost-effectively manage their network security policy, comply with regulatory standards, and minimize IT risk. With the award-winning Tufin Security Suite, security teams are successfully managing firewall operations and performing audits and risk assessments – often in half the time.
Tufin SecureTrack™ is the industry-leading Security Operations Management solution for network and next generation firewalls. SecureTrack features powerful tools that eliminate routine, manual tasks while assuring security and business continuity for large and small enterprises. SecureTrack enables organizations to comply with regulatory standards and successfully pass security audits and includes built-in reports such as PCI DSS 2.0 to dramatically reduce audit preparation times.
Tufin SecureChange™ for Security Change Automation enables companies to automate security change management and risk analysis for the network. With SecureChange, companies can automate business processes to proactively enforce security policies and support governance initiatives.

Global Security Mag : What is your message to the CISO’s ?

Shaul Efraim: Providing network security for today’s enterprise is a continuous process of implementing corporate policy, fielding daily change requests, and demonstrating compliance with standards. For most organizations, this has become a complex, resource-intensive operation involving dozens of components, often located at distributed sites and maintained by multiple teams. At the same time, regulatory agencies are demanding increasingly rigorous standards of transparency and accountability. It has become virtually impossible for firewall and security administrators to keep track of everything manually, and the cost of a security breach is incalculable.
To prevent security operations from spiraling out of control, companies need central visibility into network security configuration across all of the firewalls, routers and switches in the organization. Given the complexity of the network, security teams must have automated solutions in order to assure network access for the business while maintaining security at all times.

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