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PACE Anti-Piracy Continues to Raise the Bar for White-Box Cryptography

July 2023 by Marc Jacob

PACE Anti-Piracy is delighted to announce that its White-box Works software toolkit for securing algorithms, cryptographic keys, and data has successfully completed its EMVCo annual security evaluation for 2023.

PACE’s White-Box Works is the only white-box cryptography product to be approved under EMVCo’s Software Protection Tool certification program.

EMVCo creates and manages the specifications and programs that enable seamless and secure card-based payments for businesses and consumers worldwide. White-Box Works was evaluated against EMVCo’s Software-Based Mobile Payment (SBMP) security standards.

White-Box Works achieved EMVCo SBMP security certification following a successful evaluation conducted by global security lab, Riscure.

Unlike traditional solutions, White-Box Works delivers protection beyond standard cryptography algorithms. PACE gives the software developer complete and independent control over their protected code, ensuring their encryption keys and proprietary algorithms are never exposed. White-Box Works can transform any algorithm defined in industry-standard C code into a protected white-box, offering unparalleled flexibility, security, and efficiency.

This level of in-house control also promises to increase operational efficiency for the customer, since they are no longer beholden to a white-box library vendor’s build schedule and can develop their application in accordance with their internal timelines. It also enables the customer to use, replace and update their deployed encryption keys and algorithms at will, with no need to re-engage PACE Anti-Piracy, or any other third-party vendor, to do so.

White-Box Works defeats the range of attacks that many encryption-dependent apps remain vulnerable to, including reverse engineering, fault injection, and advanced statistical analysis (such as differential computation analysis). This supports use-cases across a range of industries from payments through wider finance, and into areas such as digital ID, e-Health, media & entertainment and IP protection.

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