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N-able’s Head Nerds Are an “Invaluable Resource” for MSP Partners Worldwide Building on its success, N-able Head Nerds welcome Mac Management Evangelist

November 2021 by N-able

N-able, Inc. is helping MSPs address and better manage “the apple in the room” with the appointment of Head Mac Nerd Charles Mangin. Charles brings over two decades of experience using and supporting Mac® devices in a variety of business environments, bringing a depth of knowledge to his position as Mac Nerd.

Charles (@mac_mgt_nerd) joins an already star-studded lineup of Head Nerds, including Head Automation Nerd Marc Andre-Tanguay (@automation_nerd), Head Backup Nerd Eric Harless (@backup_nerd), Head Sales and Marketing Nerd Stefanie Hammond (@sales_mktg_nerd), Head N-central Nerd Jason Murphy (@ncentral_nerd), and Head Security Nerd Lewis Pope (@cybersec_nerd).

“In today’s business infrastructure, so many Macs sit unmanaged by the MSP—leaving the business, as well as the MSP, open to serious security issues and vulnerabilities,” says Mike Cullen, group vice president, partner enablement, N-able. “Our investment in a new Head Mac Nerd, combined with our continued innovation cycles and support for Macs, gives MSPs the insider knowledge and remote services technology needed to confidently and proactively cash in on managing and securing Macs as part of the customers’ client fleets.”

Introduced in 2019 as advocates, educators, experts, and guides for N-able’s global and growing MSP community, the Head Nerds focus on several important areas within an MSP’s business. In addition to serving as the MSP’s biggest fans, these students of the industry concentrate their efforts on automation, backup, Macs, monitoring, operations, sales and marketing, and security.

Since inception of the program, N-able has seen the engagement levels between its partners and the Head Nerds, “move up and farther to the right,” comments Cullen. “This year alone, N-able’s Head Nerds have welcomed 7,500+ partners to its live Boot Camps, maintained weekly office hours for open inquiry, inked numerous blogs and articles, and helped lead N-able’s partner advisory groups. The Nerds are having a lasting and positive impact on the success of our MSPs and serve as an incredible source of innovation and inspiration to our team and our partners.”

“As an MSP partner, it is unusual to find passionate, helpful vendor techs with real-world experience and a genuine desire to work with your techs and not just talk at them with exaggerated knowledge,” says Lisa Niekamp-Urwin, president and CEO of Tomorrow’s Technology Today, an N-able™ Super Elite partner in St. Henry, OH. “N-able is changing the game for MSPs by providing us with unlimited, everyday access to seasoned, experienced Nerds that are eager to help us specialize and take our business to the next stage of growth. N-able’s Head Nerds are the real deal and have become an invaluable resource to our team.”

“The education and real-world insights coming out of the N-able Nerds, especially in the Boot Camps, are very informative,” said Ben Strunk, founder and CEO, SimpleTech, an N-able partner in Dublin, PA. “Unlike a lot of vendor training series, I actually look forward to N-able’s Boot Camps because I know the Head Nerds are going to make it worth my time.”

Adding more fuel to the company’s efforts around education and MSP enablement, the Head Nerds issued a channel service announcement reflecting on Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This short video spotlights several security tips MSPs can share with their customers and prospects to help raise awareness around cybersecurity and cybercrime.

The Head Nerds are active on social media and serve all N-able partners worldwide.

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