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ManageEngine Rounds off Its Endpoint Protection Platform With the Addition of Next Generation Antivirus Capability

October 2023 by Marc Jacob

ManageEngine announced the addition of the next-generation antivirus (NGAV) capability in its unified endpoint management (UEM) solution, Endpoint Central, positioning it as an endpoint protection platform (EPP).

In today’s cyber environment, an NGAV is crucial to address the loopholes left undetected by traditional antivirus solutions. Endpoint Central’s NGAV leverages a deep learning model implemented with neural networks in combination with behavioural detection to detect both known and unknown threats, including those with previously unseen attack patterns. It offers edge-AI-based, real-time protection and offline capabilities by carrying out monitoring, analyses and remediation workflows locally on the device.

Benefits of Endpoint Central’s NGAV
Endpoint Central uses a single, lightweight agent for its wide range of high-stakes capabilities like device life cycle management, remote troubleshooting, user experience management and endpoint security.
Apart from reducing organizations’ IT footprints, this unified approach offers:
o A wide scope for remediation policies: Security teams can apply necessary patches, quarantine affected devices from the internet and intranet, force login credential resets, revert devices to their IT-approved baseline versions and remove vulnerable applications.
o Seamless incident investigation: Built-in remote troubleshooting and system management capabilities offer instant and thorough incident investigation of quarantined devices.
o Feedback loops for bolstering the security posture: Security policies can be continuously updated based on threats detected by the NGAV engine, constantly enhancing the cybersecurity posture.

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