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Gartner report on Security Awareness Computer-Based Training names Cyber Risk Aware as leading player

October 2020 by Marc Jacob

Gartner released it’s 2020 Security Awareness Training Market Guide tackling the complexity of the cybersecurity market for CSOs and highlighting Cyber Risk Aware’s platform for being innovative, unique and a leader in cyber security awareness and training solutions.

Cyber Risk Aware is the only behaviour-driven security awareness platform that delivers ‘Real Time’ training to staff. Many companies claim that they offer real time but they are NOT. Recognised by Gartner for having an innovative and unique solution, Cyber Risk Aware is leading the charge in offering “REAL” Real-Time training and awareness that continuously protects companies and employees from cyber attacks and ultimately creates a culture of awareness through effective training & education in a staff member’s exact moment of need.

“Gartner’s report shows that the need for cyber security awareness training is critical for enterprises.” said Cyber Risk Aware’s CEO & Co-Founder Stephen Burke. “It recognises that humans are the first point of attack and that risk is increasing exponentially. However, we cannot continue to keep delivering training in the same way as the last few decades. Cyber Risk Aware is leading the way through innovation, not following the herd in only providing ‘scheduled training courses’, but by offering multi-lingual, real time learning solutions that cannot be rivaled.”

Acknowledged by Gartner’s leading experts, Cyber Risk Aware’s unrivalled full feature-rich security awareness and simulated Email and SMS phishing platform is also the world’s only GCHQ accredited solution, with over 30 languages available on the platform. With a cost effective holistic approach to employee training and education, Cyber Risk Aware’s ‘real time’ training is automated to respond instantly to what staff are doing on any monitored corporate device - making costly scheduled training budgets a thing of the past and reducing costs by up to 44%. Cyber Risk Aware’s real time platform is the solution of choice for global organisations who want to create a culture of awareness, through training and education in their users’ exact moment of need.

Real Time is responding to any risky behaviour that is detected on a corporate network or device as and when it happens. For example, it can spot if free software is being downloaded or data is being shared to cloud file sharing apps, and instantly explains to staff that their actions are putting the business at risk - before it’s too late.

“Phishing Simulation Testing Is Not the Only Way to Test Your Users” states Gartner. “Not all security awareness problems are solved by achieving a mythical 0% click rate on phishing.” Gartner goes on to mention: “Security awareness providers have taken an innovative approach to security awareness content development and delivery. This content diversity is a welcome change from the CBT modules of the past, which were often an exercise in participants clicking “Next ? Next ? Finish” and receiving a digital certificate of completion”

“A Gartner validation for us at Cyber Risk Aware, really does come down to our much-valued clients and partnerships around the world, without which, a Gartner validation would never have been possible,” said Burke. “Our business has seen exponential growth through our partners recognising the importance of implementing cultural and behavioral cyber awareness within their businesses, ensuring they have an effective human-centric cyber security strategy.”

Over 90% of data breaches are caused by human error, and a recent study revealed 44% of employee mistakes are caused by lack of awareness of human cybersecurity principles. It is therefore imperative all businesses of all sizes look to build a strong cyber security awareness culture to protect their network from the ground up. Building a Human Firewall using Real Time training and education in combination with supporting technical tools, is the only way to effectively integrate a cyber security solution.

Cyber Risk Aware can be found in Gartner’s 2020 Market Guide here:

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