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FPT Telecom brings F-Secure’s connected home security solution to Vietnam

January 2021 by Marc Jacob

Cyber security company F-Secure and internet service provider FPT Telecom have launched F-Secure SENSE, the award-winning connected home security solution for service providers. FPT joins multiple operators around the world who are answering their customers calls to secure the internet-connected devices filling up homes.

“For years, our research has found that consumers are increasingly worried about the security and privacy of the numerous devices gaining intimate access to their daily lives. Now we’re seeing that research validated in market after market as our partners roll out our SENSE solution to find it eagerly embraced by customers,” said F-Secure Executive Vice President of Consumer Security Kristian Järnefelt. “FPT is one of the most trusted and loved providers in Vietnam and we’re thrilled to help them offer peace of mind to their millions of customers.”

A recent F-Secure survey found that 84% of consumers believe protection of all the internet connected devices in their homes was important or very important.
The same survey found that 72% were willing to pay for that protection.*

“Over the past 23 years, FPT Telecom has always aimed to bring the best experience to our customers. In today’s world of fluctuation, we expect customers to be completely assured (of security) when using FPT Telecom’s services,” said Mr. Hoang Viet Anh CEO of FPT Telecom.

F-Secure is the global leader with over 200 service providers around the globe to deliver security to millions of consumers. The company delivers award-winning connected home solutions customized for service providers through collaborations with multiple router vendors. Connected home security is part of F-Secure’s holistic offering to protect consumer connected lives everywhere, protecting also their identities with F-Secure ID PROTECTION as well as their devices and online security and privacy with F-Secure TOTAL.

*Source: F-Secure Survey, April 2020, 11 countries (USA, Japan, UK, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Sweden, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa), 400 respondents per country = 4400 respondents (+25years).

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