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CybeReady Sets New Accessibility Standards in Security

October 2023 by Marc Jacob

CybeReady announced new accessibility features, provided to extend its training solution to all employees. These timely enhancements epitomize the company’s unwavering commitment to inclusivity, ensuring every employee, regardless of physical or cognitive abilities, is equipped for today’s cybersecurity challenges.

As cyber threats continue to evolve, so do comprehensive training protocols. While many organizations understand the seriousness of these threats, few prioritize making their training solutions inclusive and accessible to each and every employee, including those with disabilities or impairments. CybeReady is changing this narrative by integrating state-of-the-art accessibility features into the latest version of its advanced security awareness training solution.

Key accessibility enhancements include:

 Customizable Accessibility Interface: CybeReady’s revamped interface accommodates users with vision, motor, or cognitive impairments.

 Robust Compliance Monitoring to Meet Global Standards: Recognizing the dynamic nature of global accessibility regulations, CybeReady’s Security Awareness Training solution monitors for compliance, exceeding international standards such as the WCAG 2.1 AA. This unique feature ensures organizations stay ahead of complex regional accessibility laws.

 Interactive, Adaptive Content: Building on the company’s modular training suite, newly enhanced and adaptive content further ensures a more inclusive experience, tailored to diverse geo-locations, roles, industries, and various learning preferences and needs.

Current legal mandates underscore the rising emphasis on digital accessibility across industries. CybeReady’s proactive approach ensures organizations not only meet these stringent requirements but also foster a culture of inclusivity and equal opportunity. The company remains steadfast in its mission to enable a safer, inclusive digital landscape, ensuring every employee to confidently navigate and combat cybersecurity challenges.

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