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Action1 Corporation released a new version of its solution

August 2023 by Marc Jacob

Action1 Corporation released a new version of its solution. The updated Action1 platform brings together vulnerability discovery and remediation, helping enterprises fortify their defenses against threats such as ransomware infections and security breaches.

The real-time detection of vulnerabilities across the enterprise fleet of endpoints is based on data about 200,000+ vulnerabilities from multiple external threat intelligence sources, provides instant visibility into them for better prioritization decisions, and allows automated remediation of these vulnerabilities.

Other key features:

Instant Visibility into Vulnerabilities: Real-time dashboard showing all application vulnerabilities, along with the ability for enterprises to ensure their state of vulnerability remediation meets their service-level agreements.
Comprehensive Vulnerability Information: Detailed information on each vulnerability, such as CVE number, CVSS score, attack vector, etc.
Automated Remediation: Apply available patches, remove unsupported or legacy software, or apply compensating controls – in the given scope or across the entire enterprise.
Improved Reporting: Automated patch summary digest via email.
Extended 3rd Party Software Patch Depository: With the addition of 10 new apps, the total number of apps exceeds 110, further streamlining secure deployment of software and updates through Action1’s thoroughly tested depository.

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