A new Jean Monnet chair in Rennes 1 : the DataGouv chair
December 2021 by Marc Jacob
A few weeks away from the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Brunessen Bertrand, university lecturer and researcher in IODE (Western Institute of Law and Europe) obtained a Jean Monnet chair.
Chaire Jean Monnet
The DataGouv chair and the data governance in European Union
A chair focused in health data governance
The Jean Monnet chairs are allocated for a duration of three years and include at least 90 hours of teaching per universitary year. Their main goal is to go into european studies teaching in depth and dispense a intensive teaching on European matters concerning areas more and more sought after in the job market.
The DataGouv chair and the data governance in European Union
The DataGouv chair, supported by the University of Rennes 1 and by Brunessen Bertrand, university lecturer and researcher in IODE, will specifically focus on the topic of « data governance ». Research will start on digital watching political and social stakes and on securing the data sharing. It will answer the strong expectations from European public opinion.
Its main goal will be to train law students regarding European Union matters, research and realization in the subject.
Within the scope of the European digitalisation development, the digital teaching and training is a necessary condition. For the European Commission, it’s vital to invest in "data general training and skills".
The DataGouv chair will allow the emergence of a new discipline, through the creation of a new course in 2022 : a digital european law course in the Master 2 European Union Law. Students will be trained to the European Union institutional reality and values. They will learn new skills and scientific expertise in an area where society stakes are becoming very strong and therefore necessary to the training of future generations of law students.
A chair focused in health data governance
Brunessen Bertrand wishes to "settle the chair in the breton regional ecosystem", particularly developed on digital and data governance matters. It will benefit from the support of the Cyber "center of excellence", the Cyberschool and the EDUC project carried by the University of Rennes 1, the GIS Marsoui, the Institute of Technological Research B-COM, the Labex CominLabs, as well as the support of the Breton Region, which recently adopted a research and innovation strategy to develop digital assistance of proximity, available to all and less impacting for the environment, such as the project Health-e on health data governance.
She will also work with the research team of the Universitary Hospital Complex (CHU) of Rennes, to be able to lean on health data governance experts and medical research experts (in charge of health data governance matters, medical imaging research teams...) as well as the Jean Monnet chairs established in Rennes for their expertise in terms of science.
It’ll also be the opportunity to work together with foreign universities thanks to numerous connections developed worldwide (University of Ottawa - Canada) and in the European Union (University of Louvain and of Namur - Belgium). This DataGouv chair will allow the increase of these connections and the development of cooperations with other European universities in countries such as Spain and Greece .