30 Years of Check Point: our experience at CPX 360 Munich
March 2023 by Yelena Jangwa-Nedelec, Global Security Mag
This morning, we celebrated Check Point’s 30th anniversary at CPX 360 in Munich. The last live edition of CPX 360 was in Vienna, in 2020, and we could feel the joy of the organisators, being able to present a live event again. This year, the event was also followed online from Italy, Israel and France.
Starting with a very funny and energetic introduction from Avi Rembaum, Check Point’s Vice President Security Solutions, we were able to assist to a myriad of presentations, with different technical details and cyber security jokes, delivered by many different and interesting personalities.

Gil Shwed, Founder and CEO of Check Point seemed to have kept his passion for his company, its future and its innovations unchanged, even 30 years after starting Check Point.
He was then followed by Eyal Manor, VP Product Management, who made an interesting and innovative speech around Check Point’s new products, such as Horizon XDR/XPR: an extended prevention and response solution.
The product announcements were followed by a round table about ChatGPT where Sharon Schusheim, CIO & VP Technical Services at Check Point Software Technologies, used an analogy between Ferrari, Redbull and resilience, to tell us that: «The difference between successful ones and unsuccessful ones is the resilience to making mistakes».
Ofir Israel, VP Threat Prevention gave us a presentation on AI Cyber Wars, on how Check Point leverages AI, and how AI is changing the World of Cyber Security. He also gave us a sneak peak into Check Point’s Research lab and future AI innovations.
Maya Horowitz, VP Research, to continue with her presentation "Hacking like a Queen".
An original speech with many comparisons and parallels between threat actors from our day and powerful strategical queens of the past, from Cleopatra to Lady K’abel, and from Mary Queen of Scots to Marie Antoinette, changing subjects between identity attacks and cryptography in beer barrels and in ransomware attacks.
Maya’s presentation was followed by an Interview of Crispin Weissfuss,Global Cloud Platform Owner at Volkswagen Financial Services, giving us 3 important pieces of advice: focus on the customers, trust your people, your team, try not to micro manage and choose partners who share the same mindset as you.
Deryck Mitchelson, CISO at Check Point thinks that there’s not gonna be a cyberwar recession and that we are going to enter an era of cyber disruption. He also added that, as organizations, we need to do much more to protect our APIs and that managing APIs was going to be the next big thing. His advice: reducing the number of vendors to simplify the supply chain, so that it is more manageable and so that vendors can cooperate and collaborate into APIs: one of Check Point’s 3 Cs.
As Head of Products Vulnerability Research at Check Point, Oded Vanunu’s main focus is to manage his company’s vulnerability. "We have to take our knowledge, uncover vulnerabilities and share the stories to bring knowledge to the community" he added during his talk.
From Dorit Dor, Chief Product Officer at Check Point, we learned all about the company’s roadmap and innovations in a very detailed presentation. From Quantum to Cloudguard and from Harmony to Horizon. She also shared how in her opinion, Generative-AI is a game changer with concerns.
We were also able to meet with Check Point’s President, Rupal Hollenbeck and with with Eyal Manor, Check Point’s VP Product Management. Overall quite a complete and interesting event!
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